This was a funny housewarming gift to my ex boyfriend who just moved into a house with his friend. I decided to make this basket of death
What you see in there are given with the recipes I used:
brownies (box)
snickers (store)
super easy to make and a hit! But as you can tell, a stick and a half of butter AND sugar OMG clogged arteries!!!!
Out of all these things, the truffles were definitely the most sophisticated. I think lots of people would enjoy this. Honestly, it was a b*$%@ to make since the lavender cream mix really melts fast in your palm even after chilling so I wore gloves while rolling it into balls
this was good and wasn't TOO difficult to make. The tedious part is painting the inside of the cups with chocolate
As you can imagine, these combined are fatal to anyone with cholesterol, diabetes, blood sugar, or any such health problems. But they're soooo good!
As you can imagine, these combined are fatal to anyone with cholesterol, diabetes, blood sugar, or any such health problems. But they're soooo good!
These look so good.